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Centralized Password Management Tool

CPMT Centralized Password Management Tool
Simplify your IT team’s workload with centralized password Management

Centralized Password Management tool

Welcome to WMAD’s Centralized Password Management Tool for all RDBMS databases (CPMT) product. Our product is designed to simplify password management for all types of RDBMS databases and ensure compliance with your organization’s password policies.
CPMT - Password Protection - WMAD

Protect your organization's data with secure password management

CPMT is a centralized password management tool designed by WMAD for all types of RDBMS databases. The product offers features such as password enforcement policies, password change notifications, access cloning for new users, integration with organization LDAP, security standards as per organizational policies, user account auditing, and removal of unused accounts. It also provides separate modules for DBAs and developers to manage activities, and a centralized tool to manage all the RDBMS databases in one place. This product simplifies password management and ensures compliance with organizational policies, making it a powerful solution for managing RDBMS database passwords.

Secure, compliant, and effortless password management for your RDBMS databases


Password Management for All RDBMS Databases

Our CPMT tool allows you to manage all your database passwords in one centralized location. This feature simplifies password management and ensures consistency across your entire database environment.


Enabling Password Enforcement Policy

Enables password enforcement policies, which helps ensure that all users follow the organization's password policies. This feature helps prevent weak passwords and other security threats.


Password Change Notifications

Sends notifications to users when it's time to change their passwords. This feature ensures that users change their passwords regularly, reducing the risk of password-related security incidents.


Cloning the Access to New Users from Existing Users & Groups

The tool enables you to easily clone the access of existing users and groups, making it simple to add new users and maintain consistent access policies across your database environment.


Enabling Integration between Organization LDAP & RDBMS Databases

Supports integration with organization LDAP, enabling you to manage all your database users in a centralized location. This feature provides a seamless user experience and reduces the administrative burden of managing multiple user directories.


Enabling Security Standards as per Organization Policies

Our CPMT tool enables you to enforce security standards as per your organization's policies. This feature ensures that your database environment meets your organization's security requirements and reduces the risk of security incidents.


Existing Users, Groups & Databases Mapping

Provides existing users, groups, and database mapping, making it easy to manage and track user access to your databases. This feature simplifies the management of your database environment and reduces the risk of unauthorized access.


Audit the Users Accounts & Activities

Provides auditing of user accounts and activities, enabling you to track and monitor user access and actions in your database environment. This feature helps you identify and address potential security threats and maintain compliance with industry regulations.


Removing Unused User Accounts

The tool allows you to remove unused user accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and improving your database security posture.


Separate Modules for DBA & Developers to Manage Activities

Provides separate modules for DBAs and developers to manage their activities, ensuring that each user has access to the tools they need to perform their job functions efficiently and securely.


Centralized Tool to Manage All the RDBMS Databases at One Place

Our CPMT tool provides a centralized location to manage all your RDBMS databases, simplifying database management and reducing administrative overhead.

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